Wednesday, July 25, 2007

....a start

Got up this morning & weighed 207. That's a six pound loss. I credit that to nothing but a conscious effort to eat sensibly portioned meals instead of eating till I'm stuffed. That's all. And no change in diet except some restraint from the chocolate snacks - tho I blew it this morning (Snickers). Oh well, I'll have to consider that (280 calories) when portioning throughout today's meals, so maybe it'll come out even.

I worked a little more on making the pullup bar last night after everybody went to bed. There may be a slight change because it may not be low enough for where I'm going to put it.

The fit test is planned for sometime this weekend & excercising to start soon after.

For lunch I had some salad with ranch, a slice or two of corned beef, and two of those little frozen burritos.

*NOTE TO MEN* - Be careful if your wife ever asks you to hand her a tissue, she uses it, and then asks you to throw it away for her. Mine did that to me last night. I went to toss it in the trash & it stuck to my hand ...twice! Yeah, tricky. Put the boogie on the OUTSIDE! Uh huh. I see now.

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