Tuesday, April 1, 2008


The topic & the evidence for both sides is fascinating & I always enjoy the discussion.

Evolution, I believe, wasn't pushed so much as part of a great conspiracy, it's just that the average publicized information & evidence for evolution gets generalized & smoothed over & misconceptions get created & passed on - especially in our textbooks. Students don't let questions fly (or they go unanswered) hoping that it'll make sense some time later down the road. When later comes around they believe evolution but can't tell you why & try to justify with the same ignorant & fraudulent misconceptions. It's a shame - they're told WHAT to think, not HOW to think.

Evolution defies itself, defies logic & defies at least two established laws of science (2nd law of thermodynamics is one). The more we learn & find out, the more exposed it gets. For those not honest enough to accept that, they have every reason to be worried & defensive.

I certainly won't say there is any concrete proof of creation but we do know that evolution didn't happen & that is based on real physical evidence (tho some are still having a hard time letting go).

What I find especially interesting is not so much the evidence against evolution, but the physical evidence that suggests the possibility of Biblical events (layer-transversing animals, trees, dinosaur depictions & tracks, bacterial flagellum, etc). It certainly keeps some questions out there (is there a God? Did the events mentioned in the Bible really happen?) and in some cases the evidence suggests & indicates that it is VERY possible & perhaps even likely.